• 杰里米·克拉克森

    • 性别:未知
    • 职业:导演 演员
    • 星座:白羊座
    • 血型:未知
    • 身高:
    • 体重:
    • 地区:其它
    • 生日:1960-04-11
    • 出生地:英国 英格兰 南约克郡 唐卡斯特
    • 毕业院校:未知
    • 代表作:The Victoria Cross: For Valour,Have I Got News for You: The Best of the Guest Presenters - Volume 2,The Road to Cars,完美公路之旅,完美公路之旅2
    Jeremy Clarkson was born in 1960 in the Yorkshire town of Doncaster in the North of England, an area renowned for its loud shouting and rampant exaggeration. He went to Repton school but didn't really pay attention and then got a job with a local newspaper where he was famed for stories such as 'Literally 50 billion people visit cake sale'. Probably. A chance meeting with a BBC producer saw him cast in the hit show Top Gear and the rest is history. Except for jet packs, which are the future.


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